this site is now on nekoweb too (along with the curren neocities)

2024-09-05 20:45 IST

you’re either reading this on my website on neocities or on nekoweb

because as of writing this, i’m curretnly hosting my website on either services. i’m not sure which to stick to, they’re both quite good, neocities a bit less so but it has a bit more of a social media feel to it, and i know the goal is to get away from that but with the modern web being how it is, neocities feels like it has more of a userbase and it’s easy to get discovered. otherwise my site will fall into obscurity, and i don’t wnat that, obviously. but idk. maybe there’s something cool about having a site no one sees?

but eitherway so we’re here, i’ll sit and figure out how to get this website up on nekoweb as easily as i do on neocities currently. based on which i like, i might stop updating one nad just leave it there with a link to the current website. eitehrway, i support the whole movement so both these are cool services, i’m partial to nekoweb bc something about it feels a bit more authentic to me but again neocities has a userbase and the tool to be discovered more. let’s see!