might have figured the aesthetics stuff out!

2024-09-05 20:30 IST

not sure i mentioned this in enough depth last blog post but something i was struggling with last time was how to make a coherent aesthetic, like i want a website that has some sort of aesthetic, a theme. but the thigns i love are so varied that i can’ think of anything that makes sense. this has been an issue for months now really.

how do you blend “dark academia” with “cyberpunk”? the techno y2k aesthetic with a terminal aesthetic? the base punk aesthetic with the clean girl aesthetic (or whatever it’s called. you know the beautiful soft comfy cozy computer setups you’d see on on pinterest or instagram)


the tying “consistent” factor between these aesthetics would be …

.. ..


i’m the thread tying it all together. they all are consistnet because I MADE THEM!

this may not make much sense but considering my awful graphic design or… anything design skills? anything i make would look similar. but here’s the real kicker. as of writing this post, i’ve made it so my entire website is using a very ugly font. this ugly font is, in fact, my own handwriting! i made a font out of my own handwriting.

my plan is the entire website will be like this, handmade by me, that’s the drawing thread. the goal isn’t to get something ot look EXACTLY like the original but my attempts at making things. and my attempts will be awful. and that’s the cosnsitency, they’re awful in my way

does this make sense? do you get it? am i cooking chat?