growing frustrations with social media and feeling incompetent on this making website stuff

2024-09-04 14:30 IST

sure feels funny opening vs code to write a new blog post… although it feels weird writing a blog post to begin with. i’m not the blogging type, i’ve grown up on google+ and twitter, i’m used to “shitposting” as the kids say. i don’t really think of things in a long form like this but… i guess it’s kinda good? helps me consolidate my thoughts better i think. it’s more like writing an essay than an endless stream of concciousness deal… (although this is kinda that? just. one single post?)

the other social medias


eitherway, my point is that i’ve been so frustrated and tired with all these different social medias. Twitter, rarely known as X, has turned into a racist and every form of bigotted mess. ever since muskett took over, the website crumbled and not only does it suck on a technical level, it also just is such a pain to use now.

other than the website being slow and glitchy, there’s also the insane amounts of racism being normalized there. especially against indians (but honestly racism against indians was already so normalized on the internet that i can filter it out) but also the amount of STRAIGHT OUT nazi acceptance. like people just go “the world owes him an apology” and it’s a picture of fucking HITLER? people have VERY much lost the plot there and these accounts remain up.

while muskrat tries to spin this around as a “oh the brazilian dictatorship!” but in reality, the government asked him to block some nazis and he refused and now those nazis INCLUDING EVERY OTHER BRAZILIAN is gone. he also doxxed the 7 accounts so. GOOD JOB?

but yeah it’s a bit like the genshin boycotts, you may not financially contribute to muskrat but just by using the platform, you keep it alive. i’m not contributing to that anymore. i’m DONE with twitter.

the alternatives

tumblr was the first one. tumblr is good. but it definitely feels a bit rough sometimes, it’s also scary due to its userbase being so set in stone. feels like a community you’re shoehorning yourself into. honeslty though? not bad at all, might consider it as a primary.

mastadon was next in line but something about mastadon gives me the ick. it’s too complicated for the average user. there’s this thread i found on bluesky that explains the issue quite well (not sure how links will render on astro through these markdown thingies. i’ll look into this later, too lazy to work on it now.)

thread on bluesky about tech users overestimating how much people care about the underlying tech aspects

but yeah people in tech really overestimate how much the average person cares. mastadon falls into this issue in my eyes, which is why during the brazil migration, millions of people came to bluesky but hardly anyone did for mastadon. #curious

which brings me to blueksy. the one i’m actually using somewhat actively now. i quite like it