ported the entire website to astro

2024-09-03 ??:?? IST

very, VERY painstakingly, i’ve moved this entire blog from a static HTML only site to an astro website. what’s astro? it’s a framework, if you don’t know what that is, it’s basically a package sorta thing that gives you… hm, like it’s own langauage? format? whatever to write your website in. its’ a completely different way of writing a website. why do this in the first place? static HTML pages are cool but they’re a pain to write the more you scale, especially for a blog? yeah not happening. now all my blog posts are markdown posts on my computer which when i render it get turned into HTML pages. it also paginates (creates multiple pages for the list of blog posts) and should later help me have tag pages and stuff. basically, it allows me to make this more scalable bc writing PURE HTML for everything is going to bite me in the back the bigger the site grows.

i wasn’t too sure on using anything other than HTML for this, feels like it ruins the charm. but visually this site will not use any fancy things and be purely me (even if you look at the blog page, it looks very rough around the edges.) i just wanted to use my pre existing web dev knowledge and learn something new along the way annnnd



what a PAINFUL journey it has been. most of it was going relatively smoothly. relatively. but when i reached pagination? it was all FUCKED. i had to spend so much time figuring out how to use typescript along with the code from the documentation written in JAVASCRIPT. WHY.

so after half an hour or one i redid the entire project in javascript which initially? didn’t seem like an issue. i was like huh okay that’s fair enough! if i just get it back t-


turns out the issue was that i had to change the filename of my blog index page from “index.astro” to ”[…page].astro” why? becuase fuck me. bc i was too lazy to learn this from the ground up. i’ll go look into why this has to be done later

eitherway, writing it in javascript should’ve given me some advantage i hope. i dont know typescript so idk why i did it. now? i have to learn this bc i’ve basically taken on debt from this, i have to keep learning and getting around to understanding it enough to write it well. major refactoring along the way too if i fuck up big time.

but hey i have something going

well anyway that’ll be it for this one. thank fuck i finally have something that is AT LEAST as good as my website. the blog looks rough but oh well, we’ll get there